
UN envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen: the Turkish invasion delays development and peace prospects in Syria

The Turkish attacks on northeastern Syria are stumbling blocks for a new Syria. The real victims are the civilians.

The Turkish attacks on northeastern Syria are very harmful for peace and the future development of Syria, says UN envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen, “on 25 November the Constitution Committee will gather again in Geneva. We expect more development this time, but the enduring fights are stumbling blocks for the peace talks”.

In his statement to the United Nations, UN envoy Pedersen informed about the discussions and negotiations in Geneva to resolve the Syrian crisis. 150 representatives from various organizations attended the meetings. There were no official representatives from the peoples of North & East Syria.

In his statement Pedersen expressed his satisfaction on the first Geneva round of meetings. It was the first time that representatives of the Syrian regime and representatives of the opposition talked face to face in one room. The enduring conflicts in the country however are posing a new threat to the future of Syria.

“The attacks by the Turkish army and its armed groups, are stumbling blocks for the peace talks on Syria. Turkey signed a cease fire with Russia but from the media coverage on Syria we see the conflict endures and clashes continue in various places of northeastern Syria” said Pedersen. “These intensiving attacks are more and more threatening civilians. Since the start of the Turkish invasion, ninety persons have been killed and seventy thousand have been displaced. All powers need to acknowledge the rule and sovereignty of the country of Syria.”