Renewed shelling of areas around Tel Tamr and Ayn Issa; reports of clashes between the Turkish occupation forces
TEL TAMR, Syria – The Turkish occupation forces (TOF) continue to target the villages around Tel Tamr with artillery, with the villages of Tawila and Tal Tawil being targeted since Thursday nights intense bombardment.
Khalidiya village and the area around Ayn Issa camp were also targeted with artillery as Turkish aircraft flew overhead.
On Thursday night into Friday morning, Turkish occupation forces target the villages along the Tel Tamr and Abu Rasayn fronts with an intense artillery barrage. An attempt by TOF to assault the villages began immediately following the barrage. The assaults were repulsed by the Syriac Military Council (MFS), Tel Tamr Military Council (TMC), and other Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) units.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported nine TOF fighters killed during the violent clashes.
Today, our correspondents in the area reported that the villages of Al-Dibs, Khalidiya, Ayn Issa camp, and the M4 highway were subjected to heavy artillery and missile shelling from the TOF.
They also reported that, for unknown reasons, clashes took place between different factions of the TOF in the village of Sharkrak in the Ayn Issa countryside, close to the international road.