
Nineveh Plain: Baghdede District Governor inspects First Time Paving of Village Roads

Baghdede, Nineveh Plain – The district governor of Baghdede on the Nineveh Plain, which includes the majority Syriac town of Baghdede, Mr. Cisam Behnam Matti made a field tour to the village of al-Qasr to inspect progress on the paving and asphalting of the village streets. He also sat down with with the people of the village and a number of youth to hear about shortcomings in living conditions of the citizens in the village and listened to their demands and the projects they needed.

Mr. Behnam Matti was accompanied by the director of the al-Hamdania police, Brigadier-General Falah. Together they visited the village of al-Qasr, one of the many villages of the al-Hamdania District, which has a population of nearly five thousand people.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that streets in villages are paved and asphalted in Iraq.