
NE SYRIA: Armenian Emergency & Relief Committee provides crisis-assistance to the needy, ill and elderly in Zalin (Qamishli)

Zalin (Qamishli), ܒܝܬ ܙܠܝ̈ܢ‎ – In order to help families in need under the curfew introduced to counter an outbreak and spread of the coronavirus, an Emergency and Relief Committee was formed by the Armenian Orthodox Archdiocese and Armenian community in Zalin (Qamishli) to provide medical and nutritional assistance to patients, elderly and infants.

The committee includes a number of doctors who volunteered to provide medical assistance. The doctors register the names of needy families, patients and elderly who themselves are unable to provide in their daily needs under the curfew and then provide assistance to them. The Armenian Emergency and Relief Committee sterilized schools, assisted elderly and sick people by providing medicines, other medical supplies and provided milk for new born babies. The Armenian Emergency and Relief Committee will continue its work until the coronavirus crisis ends and measures are eased.

The Armenian Assistance Women’s Committee also cooked and provided food to needy families and provided bread for the elderly, the sick and the needy with the aim of keeping people in their homes and delivering them with the necessary supplies.

Its noteworthy that various organizations, civic and church groups have distributed food and medical assistance to families in need and suffering from difficult economic conditions due to curfews and house quarantine.