U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passes extension of Iran sanctions
WASHINGTON – In a rare moment of political unity, Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives agreed to extend the embargo and sanctions against Iran. Members of both parties also urged Russia and China to stand with the U.S. in ensuring Iran ceases its nuclear weapons program.
Congressional sources reported that nearly 90% of the House signed a letter urging the Trump Administration to change the way it deals with the U.N. Security Council regarding the extension of the embargo on Iran.
The letter, addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urged the Trump Administration to work with U.S. allies and partners to extend the embargo, set to end in October, and to extend the U.N. travel restrictions on Iranians involved in exporting weapons. The also expressed concern that ending the embargo may promote more countries to buy and sell weapons to and from Iran.
“Russia and China have a great interest in making the Middle East safe and stable, while Iran’s denominational violence and its weapons exportation are the main cause of instability in the Middle East today, said U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, Brian Hook. “Both countries voted for the embargo against Iran in the past … There is no reason why they would not vote for it again.”