
Yazidi organization: New Iraqi government not inclusive enough. Calls for remaining posts to include minorities representatives

Iraq – The international Yazidi organization Yazda this week expressed its deep dissatisfaction on the formation process of the new Iraqi government and the distribution of ministerial seats and state positions across different components. The statement says Yazidis and other minorities were sidelined in the formation of the new Iraqi government. The sidelining works counterproductive to the collective effort to create an inclusive society where all ethnic and religious groups are fairly represented.

“Lack of any meaningful representation for Yazidis and other minorities comes at a time where nearly one million citizens from minorities continue to face impossible challenges in their pursuit to return to their homeland after nearly six-year of displacement.”

Yazda calls for the inclusion of more minorities representatives in the remaining ministerial positions and other governmental offices.

“Lack of representation in decision-making positions adds more complexity and challenge. Yazda wishes the new government all the success in meeting demands of Iraqi people, which were made clear by millions of demonstrators and their sacrifices, we call on the inclusion of minorities representatives in the remaining ministerial positions and other governmental offices.”

Yazda is a multi-national Yazidi global organization established in the aftermath of the Yazidi Genocide in 2014, to support the Yazidi ethno-religious minority and other vulnerable groups.