EU sets date for “Brussels IV” Syria conference
BRUSSELS – Against the backdrop of the crisis in Syria and growing international and regional antagonism, the European Union announced that it is in the process of organizing a conference – Brussels IV – to discuss the situation in Syria. The meeting, scheduled for 30 June, will consist of relevant ministers from the Union’s member states.
An EU spokesperson explained that the conference will be held virtually because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Several days ago, the EU’s official website published a statement by High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell saying he had informed EU ministers of preparations for the Brussels IV conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region.
Borrell said the conference was “a good opportunity to come up with ambitious commitments and to express support for a lasting political solution to the Syrian conflict under the auspices of United Nations,” noting that attendance this time will be wide.
In March, the European Union announced that it would hold a meeting under the theme of “supporting the future of Syria and the region, but the coronavirus pandemic caused the meetings postponement.