
UNSC adopts resolution for the aid delivery mechanism to Syria through one only border crossing

NEW YORK – The UN Security Council on Saturday voted to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria with twelve members voting for the resolution and three abstained. Germany and Belgium, charged with the Syrian humanitarian dossier at the United Nations submitted a new draft resolution to the Security Council which would keep one crossing in use instead of the two crossings that were used until Friday. The vote stipulated that the Bab al-Hawa crossing on the Turkish border in northwestern Syria should be opened for twelve months until the 10 July 2021, while the Bab al-Salama crossing was deleted from the resolution over a Russian and Chinese veto.

The UNSC has asked the Secretary General to submit a report at least every 60 days on the status of humanitarian aid access to Syria.

A few days ago Germany and Belgium submitted a draft resolution to extend the aid delivery mechanism to Syria for a year through the two border crossings used during the past six months, but the Russian-Chinese veto denied the resolution. Russia presented the alternative to extend the aid delivery to Syria for a period of six months through Bab al-Hawa crossing only, closing the Bab al-Salama crossing.