Kuwaiti ambassador to Turkey tours Dayro d’Mor Gabriel during Tur Abdin visit
MERDO, Turkey — On 1 November, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Turkey Ghassan al-Zawawi, accompanied by the Mayor of Midyat, Veysi Şahin, and the Governor of Midyat, Takmin Duncan, visited the Monastery of Mor Gabriel (Dayro d’Mor Gabriel) in Tur Abdin.
The ambassador was greeted by Arcbishop Mor Timotheos Samuel Aktas who accompanied them on a tour of the monastery.
Arcbishop Aktas also provided some information about the monastery and spoke about the life of monks throughout history.
Ambassador Zawawi’s visit to the monastery is a part of a wider visit to Merdo (Mardin) and Midyat where he has met with a number of officials from the region. During his visit, Abassador Zawawi gave a speech in which he said there are special things linking him to Merdo, a city of science and literature. He also expressed a particular love for the city of Midyat.