
SYRIA: Consumer hall manager in Hmoth dismissed after six metric tons of sugar found at their home

HMOTH, Syria — During a period of widespread food insecurity in Syria, Director of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection in Hmoth (Homs) Ramez Yousef stated that, after an investigation undertaken by the Directorate, it was discovered that nearly six metric tons of sugar were found in the house of a manger of a consumer hall.

The Ministry has since dismissed the manager of the Martyrs’ Hall in Hmoth and head of the Sales Outlets Department. Both were referred to the Internal Control for investigation. The Ministry stated that the severest legal penalties will be taken against the perpetrators and anyone else involved.

A decision was also issued to terminate the assignment of Director of the Syrian Foundation for Trade in Hmoth, Imad Nadour, due to the violations and corruption cases in some of the Foundation’s halls.

Reactions to the issue varied on social media. One person ironically commented on Facebook saying, “After the manager’s dismissal, corruption has ended, the Syrian pound will improve and the refugees will return immediately.”