
Syriac organizations launch petition for freedom of monk Aho

A number of Syriac (Aramean–Assyrian–Chaldean) organizations and political parties launched a petition campaign calling for the conviction of Syriac Orthodox monk Sefer (Aho) Bileçen of the Mor Yahqup d-Qarne Monastery.

Monk Aho was arrested by Turkish authorities on 9 January 2020 on charges of “membership of a terrorist organization” but released on parole also after public pressure. He was charged with having given food and water to members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which is designated a terrorist organization in Turkey. In his testimony the Syriac monk does not deny having given food and water but that he did not know that the people were members of the PKK organization.

On Wednesday, he was sentenced by a Turkish court to two years and one month in prison.

********** JOINT PETITION STATEMENT **********

Active organisations among our people and respected politicians from Europe have launched a petition for the freedom of Abuna Aho, Sefer Bileçen. Please consider signing in support of Abuna Aho and spread this important petition.

  • Lars Adaktusson, MP/Kristdemokratena, Sweden
  • St. Jacob d’Sarug Göppingen Parish, Germany
  • St. Afrem und St. Theodorus Gießen Parish, Germany
  • Mor Eliyo Pohlheim Parish, Germany
  • Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Kirchhain
  • Kano Suryoyo
  • Huyodo Suryoyo d’Almanya (HSA)
  • Suryoye-Deutscher Verein Gießen e.V.
  • Dachverband der Entwicklungsvereine Tur Abdin (DETA)
  • Platform Tur Abdin (Süryani Aydınları ve Aktivistleri Tartışma Grubu)
  • Clamye Suryoye
  • European Syriac Union (ESU)


The Petition