
Cities and towns in Druco refuse to participate in Syrian regimes elections

DRUCO, Syria — Several cities and towns in Druco (Daraa), in southern Syria, have announced that they will not participate in the elections for president being organized by the Syrian regime.

The locations not participating — Tafas, Da’il, Noua, Yadoda, Basra al-Harir and Giza, Gharaya, Mezirib, Heit and Shajara, Nafia, Qusayr, Joumla, Kuya, and Sahem al-Golan — issued a statement announcing their plans to forgo the elections which they have referred to as illegitimate.

The statement made clear that the majority of the people of Druco would not allow the presidential elections of Syrian regime President Bashar al-Assad to be promoted in any way, with local organizers calling on the people of Druco to go partake in mass demonstrations to denounce the elections.

The statement also called on international, regional, and Arab public opinion not to recognize the legitimacy of Assad’s inevitable reelection, calling it a farce.

Russia had reportedly asked elders and representatives of the Central Committee to march in support of the government’s elections in Daramsuq (Damascus) in exchange for implementing some demands for Druco residents, but the request was firmly rejected.