
Participants in Beth Nahrin Women’s Protection Forces weapons training course call on all Syriac women in North and East Syria learn self-defense skills

QABRE HEWORE and DAYRIK, Syria — As Turkish attacks on areas inhabited by Syriacs (Arameans–Assyrians–Chaldeans) in North and East Syria escalate, the Syriac Women’s Union (SWU) organized training courses in small arms and first aid in Qabre Hewore (Al-Malikiyah) and Dayrik.

The training was conducted by members of the Beth Nahrin Women’s Protection Forces (Ḥaylawotho d’Sutoro d’Neshe d’Beth Nahrin, HSNB) and Sutoro Women.

Suroyo TV conducted interviews with several Syriac women — members of the Bethnahrin National Council (Mawtbo Umthoyo D’Bethnahrin, MUB) — who participated in the training.

Interviewees stressed the importance of learning how to handle and maintain weapons to defend themselves and the homeland. They stated such skills were especially important for Syriac (Aramean–Assyrian–Chaldean) women given centuries of oppression and the current difficult conditions that the region is passing through. The course contributes to strengthening the character of women and increasing their empowerment, some participants said.

They also called on all Syriac (Aramean–Assyrian–Chaldean) women to stand together and join such training courses in light of the threats to their people and ancestral homeland.

(Segment begins at 6:30)