Syriac Orthodox holds First Communion ceremonies for children in Hasakah, North and East Syria, and Baghdede, Iraq
HASAKAH, Syria / BAGHDEDE, Iraq — On Monday, Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Mor Maurice Amsih led the festive Mass for the First Communion of several children at St. George’s Cathedral in Hasakah, North and East Syria. The ceremony was attended by numerous priests, deacons, parents, and worshipers who joined in the celebration of this special occasion. The service included a selection of Syriac hymns and prayers specifically chosen for the First Communion.
During his sermon, the Archbishop addressed the children and advised them to live according to the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ, whom they were about to receive for the first time. Archbishop Amsih also emphasized the importance of parents’ role in their children’s spiritual upbringing, urging them to attend masses and prayers regularly, set a good example in their behavior, and help their children grow in faith.
In the Nineveh Plains town of Baghdede, Iraq, the First Communion ceremony was held for 164 children, 115 in the Church of Saint John and 49 in the Church of Saint Ephrem. Archbishop Benedict Younan Hanno presided over the Divine Liturgy, delivered a spiritual sermon on the significance of the Eucharist, and read a Bible text.
Before receiving their First Communion, the children received six months of spiritual training on Christian education and liturgy under the guidance of parish priests, nuns, and teachers.