Bethnahrin Women’s Union hosts educational camp on organizing for women in Baghdede, Iraq
BAGHDEDE, Iraq — Amidst the vibrant ambiance of the annual conference of the Bethnahrin Women’s Union (Huyodo d’Neshe d’Bethnahrin, HNB), recently convened in the Nineveh Plains town of Baghdede (Qaraqosh / Hamdaniyah), Iraq, the HNB hosted an educational camp on organizing from 20–21 April.
Dozens of Chaldean–Syriac–Assyrian women participated in the educational camp, which featured a number of organizational, historical, and awareness-building sessions.
On the inaugural day, 54 women engaged in a comprehensive exploration of the rich history of the Chaldean–Syriac–Assyrian people, followed by an insightful discourse on organizational strategies, led by Youssef Yacoub Matti, head of the Beth Nahrin Patriotic Union (Huyodo Bethnahrin Athroyo, HBA). The schedule also included an interactive session facilitated by Shmoni Arsan, the Women’s Affairs Officer in the Bethnahrin National Council (Mawtbo Umthoyo D’Bethnahrin, MUB).
The second day saw 37 eager participants delve into a captivating dialogue on the pivotal roles of women within the family unit and their indispensable contribution to nurturing nationalist generations. Shmoni Arsan led the session, which offered a platform for attendees to pose pertinent inquiries to the esteemed lecturers, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights.