Kurdistan Region of Iraq forms committee to address Christian property disputes
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region of Iraq — Following a recommendation by Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) President Nechirvan Barzani, the Inquiry Committee on Christian Affairs has commenced its duties to address complaints regarding property disputes involving Chaldeans–Syriacs-Assyrians in northern Iraq.
Abdul Rahman Bilaf, head of the Committee at the KRI Ministry of Interior, affirmed, “The concerns of Christians will be heard based on the directive of the KRI president.”
Speaking to Kurdistan 24, Bilaf emphasized the significant role Christians have played in the liberation movement of the KRI, highlighting their sacrifices akin to those of the Kurds. “The Baath regime [of Saddam Hussein] also perpetrated atrocities against Christians,” he added.
According to statistics from the Directorate of Christian Affairs at the KRI Ministry of Endowments, the Christian population in the KRI is estimated to range between 275,000 and 300,000 individuals.
Northern Iraq is home to 240 churches, shrines, and monasteries, located in cities and towns including Ankawa, Shaqlawa, Soran, Koy Sanjaq, Merke Sur, Sulaymaniyah, Nohadra (Duhok), Zakho, Amadiya, Akre, Sheikhan, Sarsank, Simele, Bamarni, Zawita, Barwari Bala, Deraluk, and Bakir.