
Lebanese Minister of Public Works and Transport approves rehabilitation of Zahle–Al-Manara–Al-Sayeda road following request from MP Elias Estefan

ZAHLE, Lebanon — Elias Estefan, a member of the Strong Republic Bloc in Lebanon, expressed his gratitude to the Lebanese Minister of Public Works and Transport, Ali Hamia, and the Ministry’s team for their prompt response to his request for the rehabilitation of the Zahle–Al-Manara–Al-Sayeda road.

Estefan had earlier submitted a request for the road’s rehabilitation and maintenance, citing its deteriorating condition and the associated risks to citizen safety.

Minister Hamia responded by instructing the General Directorate of Roads and Buildings to commence the road’s maintenance, paving, and rehabilitation. The work will proceed until a formal contract is prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Law.