Bethnahrin Women’s Union congratulates Bethnahrin Women’s Protection Forces in Syria on anniversary of their founding
BETH NAHRIN — Under the title ” Will of the Syriac (Aramean-Chaldean-Assyrian) Women is Will of the people,” the Bethnahrin Women’s Union (Huyodo d’Neshe d’Bethnahrin, HNB) issued a statement, in which the HNB congratulated the Bethnahrin Women’s Protection Forces (Ḥaylawotho d’Sutoro d’Neshe d’Beth Nahrin, HSNB) in Syria and all women of Syriac (Aramean-Chaldean-Assyrian) people, on the anniversary of the HSNB establishment. “After the fall of the Syriac people rule, the Syriac women completely lost their identity and will,” read the HNB statement. “The oppressed women, after thousands of years, were able to show their will and take steps towards development, due to the philosophy and path opened by the presidency of the Bethnahrin National Council (Mawtbo Umthoyo D’Bethnahrin, MUB). After the HNB establishment, the Syriac women played their role in destiny and issue of the Syriac people.”
The statement pointed out that during the attacks of the Islamic State (ISIS) in 2015, the HSNB were established, taking a historic step.
In conclusion, the HNB congratulated the HSNB on their founding, calling on Syriac women to become part of the Syriac organization, as a guide to path of freedom of Syriac people.