Syriac politician of Sweden Aday Bethkinne visited Edessa School in Norsborg
NORSBORG, Sweden — The Syriac politician from the Christian Democratic Party in the Stockholm suburb of Botkyrka and Deputy Chairman of Education Committee of the Edessa School in Hallunda-Norsborg, Sweden, Aday Bethkinne visited the Edessa school to learn about the education situation.
He was accompanied by the Chairman of Education Committee in Norsborg Willy Vitala and Director of Education in Botkyrka Anita Elmdalen.
The delegation met with the school Principal Abraham and his Deputy Linda Yacoub, as well as the school founder Samir Rhawi who briefed the delegation about the importance of the school that teaches the Syriac and Armenian languages.
The visiting delegation thanked the efficient school staff, resources, supplies and teaching methods necessary for each semester.
The school has almost 200 students, while the school expansion is also underway.
There are also plans to build a new bigger school in Norsborg next year.