
Syriac Member of Turkish Parliament for Mardin Çelik:Is there a law that prevents Syriacs and Armenians from buying property?

ANKARA / MARDIN — Syriac Member of Turkish Parliament for Mardin Tuma Çelik stated that there are obstacles for Syriacs (Arameans–Assyrians–Chaldeans), Armenians, and Greeks in terms of buying property in and around the regions of Merde (Mardin), Kilîs, and Antioch (Antakya).

Çelik declared that these peoples are the indigenous peoples of the region and in previous times they were the ones who built this country, but after centuries of persecution and oppression, they have emigrated and remain only a fraction of their former numbers.

“In other regions, any property can be sold to people of other nationalities, except the Syriac and Armenian people face obstacles in buying any property,” Çelik said.

Addressing Turkish Minister of Environment Murat Kurum during a parliamentary session, Çelik said:

“Many people who are not of Turkish nationality have bought lands in Turkey. Why are Syriacs, Armenians and Rum not allowed to buy lands in those areas?”

“At the level of Turkey as a whole, is there a law that prevents Syriacs and Armenians from buying any property?” Çelik wondered.