Bashiqa municipality in Nineveh Plains, Iraq continues projects to beautify city
DOSHTO D’NINVEH (NINEVEH PLAINS), Iraq — In order to give an aesthetic touch to the area and improve its appearance, the Bashiqa Municipal Directorate in the Nineveh Plains in Iraq has begun a project to rehabilitate the streets along the district center, and to rehabilitate the industrial area.
In a statement, Eng. Maher Barakat Hesso, an employee of Bashiqa Municipal Directorate in Iraq, explained that with funding from the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing and under the supervision of Saman Rachid Lasso, Mayor of Bashiqa, a project to rehabilitate, expand, and pave the streets of the city has begun.
Hesso added that they are now in the process of rehabilitating the main market street within the city.
After the completion of these streets, they will rehabilitate the main street in the industrial area, which is the entrance to the city. Once the project is completed, other infrastructure projects funded by the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing are set to begin.
The Bashiqa Municipal Directorate has sought to bring about a positive aesthetic change to the areas of Bashiqa and has undertaken projects to fence gardens and restore streets.