U qamyun di mcadronutho me Turcabdin nafiq lu darbo
MIDYAT, TURCABDIN – A şutose du camaydan-u Slibo Suryoyo di mcadronutho, u şutoso d’Şlomo, u şutoso d’Shai Fund u A Demand for Action ubi methcadronutho du Federasyon da Hudre Suryoye-SÜDEF, matcane qamyun malyo bataniyat u lbuşe lu camaydan d’Antakiya dhzele husrono bi zalzale dhawyo.
İ mcadronuthathe zwino, bu snodo dhuwle u camaydan dıkhoye bu athro ubi golutho. Bi sbuthathe, mıdlan mawdconutho mu rişono du Federasyon da Hudre Suryoye-SÜDEF Evgil Türker.
from Midyat to Samandag Hatay, Suryoye Aid Netword International (SANI) has today send a truck with blankets, (children) coats and other basis essentials. Thanks to Shai fund ADFA and all of you who donated. Your help is still needed: https://t.co/ii5bMK4fWT pic.twitter.com/YX8RPHV6sY
— Schlomo Nederland (@schlomo_ned) February 9, 2023